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About Us

Change starts at home

We are two busy mums that want a healthy and happy family, clean and beautiful home, and maybe even the time to take care of ourselves a little! 


Being able to do all of this without negatively impacting the environment or purchasing copious amounts of disposable items is a challenge. 


This is where Isabelle Margarita Home was born.

(Isabelle Margarita is the name of Arianne's little girl btw).


We believe that one small action can make an enormous impact. We source responsibly,

organically and naturally, considering not only function, but also style and durability. 


Our business is built around human connection.   As it should be.

When you place your order, what you won't see is that we will be texting each other,

excited to see your order.

We will decide which one of us will pack your order,

which seeds or other little gift we will add to show our appreciation.


We'll be hand-writing you a note, thanking you for your custom,

for your trust in us to deliver you a beautiful, yet sustainable product that we believe in,

and for choosing items that don't harm the Earth. 


It's through this human connection that our customers return to us,

confident in their choices and the quality of our items. 


We have chosen products that we use every day at home and

give you an easy alternative to less environmentally friendly options. 


All of the items in our personally curated collection, are not just eco-friendly,

but also aesthetically beautiful, inspired by our love of nature,

natural products and living as low-impact as we can.  


Each item in our collection is painstakingly researched and tested by ourselves and our families,

so that we know that we are delivering a high quality,

long lasting item that will help your journey to sustainability be an inspiring one. 


We don't want to be the type of business that you only hear from when we have something to sell you. 

Of course we'll let you know when new items become available, but we want to share our journey with you. 

We share tips, ideas and experiences - the good and and the down right rotten, which is all part of life.  
We truly believe that we become friends with a common interest in trying to be that 'bit better'.


We know life is busy, so hope that our collection of beautiful, yet sustainable items give you just a few less decisions to make and the satisfied feeling that you are helping protect our planet for the future. 


Thanks for visiting our website, we look forward to getting to know you, 

Keelly & Arianne xx

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